lunes, 21 de enero de 2019

Social Work

Hi my name is Mario and today will talk about my future Job

I study social work, I see my future as a qualified professional but living on the lease of departments or other means, but working for free in foundations or social organizations, I think it is a long-term plan but in any case my plan is related

I have been told that my plan is of crazy people, or that "I have my head turned"(like the picture), but I am sure I will get it, live by other means, but exercise Social Work for free. I would like to work in the jail or prison area, that topic interests me a lot, although I am not yet fully prepared, I think it is a topic that in Chile has been forgotten or also not worked with the depth it needs.
Social work is a profession that has many places to work, and in prison issues, it is a place where there is much to work. I think it is important to be able to work on prison issues because some years ago in Chile, we have forgotten to go deeper into the interventions on this topic, I do not think it is dangerous or stressful because I believe that if you work on a topic that motivates you, it does not become dense.


7 comentarios:

  1. I think if you work at prison related topics it would be really useful for our country and public policies, good luck with that!

  2. :O a job like this will demand a lot from you, good luck!

  3. Hi,congratulations for wanting to work in a place so forgotten by society, the jail is very interesting.

  4. The books and papers where approach topics like the "total institutions" (like jail, schools and mental hospital) there are so interesting. I hope that you can work in that area.

  5. It's the first time I've heard someone who says they want to work for free, I´m glad to meet people like you
