Hi my name is Mario and today will talk about my future Job
I study social work, I see my future as a qualified professional but living on the lease of departments or other means, but working for free in foundations or social organizations, I think it is a long-term plan but in any case my plan is related
I have been told that my plan is of crazy people, or that "I have my head turned"(like the picture), but I am sure I will get it, live by other means, but exercise Social Work for free. I would like to work in the jail or prison area, that topic interests me a lot, although I am not yet fully prepared, I think it is a topic that in Chile has been forgotten or also not worked with the depth it needs.
Social work is a profession that has many places to work, and in prison issues, it is a place where there is much to work. I think it is important to be able to work on prison issues because some years ago in Chile, we have forgotten to go deeper into the interventions on this topic, I do not think it is dangerous or stressful because I believe that if you work on a topic that motivates you, it does not become dense.